Saturday 4 July 2015

Phishing Tricks

Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account
First create a new wapka account by clicking Here

Step 2: Now login to your account and goto (Site List) and create a new site.
Then click on Manage.

Step 3: Now you have 2 modes available, Click on Admin mode.

Step 4: As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page. It’s blank because till now you do nothing to your newly created site.At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.
Step 5: Now click on – (WML/XHTML code).On clicking it you have window.

Step 6: Now Download a Code

Copy all the code and paste it into (WML/XHTML code) box and click on Submit button.

Step 7: It’s all over now send your site link which was created at Step 2 to your victim. As your victim login to your page his/her E-mail and Password sends to your E-mail by which you have created your account at wapka at first step.

So friends Enjoy Hacking...

Say Thanks to Admin 

Note: It’s only for education purpose don’t use it to fraud. Admin is not responsible for whatever you will do from your newly acquired knowledge.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Hack facebook Via Android Key logger

Android Keylogger
Hello friends Today I am going to show you android hacking application An keylogger type monitoring application .
Let Me tell about what is a keylogger?
A keylogger, sometimes called a keystroke logger, key logger, or system monitor, is a small program that monitors each keystroke a user types on a specific keyboard. Keyloggers are used to Record System events: Power offs, SD cards removal, USB connections, WiFi connections.
Now what is Android Keylogger(Kidlooger.apk Apps)?

What is Kidlooger?
KidLogger free application used to track phone coordinates by GPS or Wifi records and uploads incoming/outgoing calls and photos taken by the target phone. its Undetectable. It is not visible for any can uploaded to your online account. you can keep a watch your Android with KidLogger.

Benefits Of Using Android Kidlooger?
Kidlooger is a safe and invisible spy tool by which you can know every activity of a target android mobile phone. With the help of kidlooger, you can log on to computer to check the text messages in detail, calls in and out, even the websites visited by the android mobile phone. And android keylogger has the ability to track the location of the phone any time via GPS


Installation Steps :

Step 1: Install APK file ( KidLogger.apk )

Step 2: Open KidLogger Application

Please note:
- ON TABLETs install Tkeyboard.apk in order to open control panel, see below.

Step 3: On the KidLogger control panel
open settings > upload
and enter device ID from your account dashboard.
click Send Test Report.
Ensure status is OK.
on the main screen click "Start Log"
click "Back" to leave KidLogger app running on the background.

How to install Keyboard recorder
KidLoggerKeyboard.apk - virtual on-screen keyboard. replaces original keyboard and allows to record into KidLogger log all keystrokes.

Step 1: Install KidLoggerKeyboard.apk

Step 2: go to Phone Settings > "Language & Keyboard" > enable "SoftKeyboard PRO" input method.

Step 3: Open "SoftKeyboard PRO setting"
- CheckInput Languages to enable more Input Languages in on-screen keyabord if you use a few one.
- enter *123456# in order to open Kidogger control panel ( in case you have a Tablet)

Step 4: In a web browser - a long-click (click and hold your finger 2 sec) over an Address Field > choose "Input Method"
choose "SoftKeyboard PRO".
Now all typed text and keystrokes on this keyboard will be recorded to the log within KidLogger App.
Also other phone activities are now logged into the log files separated by days.

How to remove it :

Step 1: Open Settings > Applications > find KidLogger in the list and click Remove.

Step 2: the same for Soft Keyboard PRO.

Happy hacking....

Find Unfriends Your Friends At Facebook

Lost some of the facebook friends and you don't know who unfriended you? Don't worry there is a browser add-on that can tell you which one of the facebook friend unfriended you. It is available for Chrome and Mozilla both. It shows a section called "Lost Friends" on your Facebook page and it also notifies you when someone unfriends you via pop-up messages. Add it to your Chrome or Mozilla browser and know who unfriended you! 

Steps To Add This Extension To Your Browser.

Step 1) First of all open your Chrome/Mozilla browser.

Step 2) If you are using chrome download the addon from Chrome Web Store. Download

Step 3) If you are using Mozilla Firefox then Click Here  and download the addon.

Step 4) After adding the extenstion to your browser go to your facebook profile and then go to friends section.

Step 5) Now you will see a list called " Lost Friends".

Step 6) Click on that and you will see the list of facebook friends who unfriended you.

Now you can see your unfriends list !!!!
Enjoy friends!!!!!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Hack Facebook Chat History

This is very easy to find anyone's chat history on Facebook. Some of us we know already but who don't know and want to know I am writing for those users. I hope you will be happy. You can find the history of Facebook chat within a minute.

Lets see how to Find Chat History on FB by source code:

Step 1) First Login into Facebook

Step 2) Click on Home or make sure that your are on Home page on Facebook.

Step 3) Just click right button on white blank page from home page  and click to open "View page Source". A new window will open with source code.

Step 4) Now press Ctrl+F to open find option and find "InitialChatFriendsList" word in source code

Step 5) After search this word you will see a code like this  ["InitialChatFriendsList" ,[ ], {"list": ["1000 02525975556-2","100007167257352-2","100001820815558-2","100002104815637-2"]

Here list of numbers are the Facebook Profile id of your friends.

Step 6)  Now in this link just replace xxxxxx by id numbers (100007167257352 - then press enter to see all history of your chat of your friends.

After load page you will see all history of chat with your friends. You can individually find the chat history by using all profile id which available in that list.

Enjoy the chat of your friends!!!!

Send Massage To Block User At Facebook

Hi folks ,
Today i’m going to share a trick with you that if any of your friend blocks you or message option is hidden from his/her timeline than what you should do. You want to poke him/her and want friendship with them. So the start up is so tough and rough. But after reading this trick you will be easily able to send message to all of them. If you girlfriend’s angry with you and you want to text her after blocking. So that you can patch up again .

In my general life every day i love with new one that’s why most of them got angry after my engagement ceremony then you all know we boys lie to them and then i was also unable to lie to them because they did blocked me and i was unable to text them then surprise is that i recovered most of my girl friend’s back . So the question is that how i got them back ? I sent them a message using trick ” How to send message to blocked Facebook friend “. After this they amazed that how i text them most of them were real girl friend’s of mind and others were just time pass. OK my experience teaches me this trick so as you all know i want every one who is legit and want to continue fooling their girl friend even after they block you. but now if she blocked you due to the misunderstanding created by your friend to her you can easily say that .

Now let’s start that ” How to send message to blocked Facebook friend”

Step 1) First of all When ever you make a girl friend you should bookmark her profile

Step 2) Now log in to your Facebook account

Step 3) Find the profile of the person you want to text after being blocked you just need to copy this
Copy the username in the Facebook url

Step 4) After copying the username you should add the in front of it . e.g

Step 5) By getting this type of email you’re ready to text them now you have to open you Facebook linked email account and compose new email as shown below

Step 6) Then your text will be delivered to your desired user even if they blocked you.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Get 5000 Friends Request At Single Click Without Blocking

Getting Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day is a really awesome trick, Many people ask me that how to get it, You can do it if you will follow our this trick, So for this, Today we are sharing with Facebook secret and working trick for How To Get Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day, We was also shared with You How To Send An Unlimited Friends Request Without Getting Blocked. We are always trying to share something new and more useful tips and tricks for this social site, Today we are including this Killer trick on our site. Using this you can get more Facebook friend request in a one day,
Its simple method, Using this you can’t block. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many of these category tutorials, mostly are not working, And some are  harmful for your account safety. It may be safe and user friendly trick for you.
Is Possible To Get 500 Friend request in one day
Many people MSG me they are now on Facebook, And they wanna make more friends on this social site, How i get fast Facebook friends. We was also sharing a method may be now that is not safe so we will remove that. But our this tutorial also more safe and  it will give you 5000 Facebook friend request in a day by simple method.

There are many tricks for this, But most are not safe, Facebook may be blocking you, but we test this method are safe, We tried it, but Facebook wasn’t blocking us, So maybe it also may be safe for you,  This is a really great application using this you can get emails of people who wanna make more friends on their friends list, Its like link exchange method,

Step 1) Fist you Must login your Facebook Account

Step 2)  Now simply go on mass friends request Application

Step 3) Now Just Login with that application for getting information.

Step 4) Just select your Friends interest in Select friends you want to add.

Step 5) Now Just Click on Generate Button.

Steo 6) After This you will see many Friends Emails Just Copy All

Step 7) Now Go to Invite Friends  url. You can go directly on Invite friends Php.

Step 8) Now Past all Emails in on There and Wright any MSG Like Please Add, Add me.

Step 9) Now Past all Emails in on There and Wright any MSG Like Please Add, Add me.

Step 10) Wait for some time, After some time you will get started friends request.

Step 11) Now done, You can generate more emails, but please use only one time in A Day.

Final Words Make 5000 friends on Facebook Fast in One Day

Our site is always trying to share something new and more useful tricks of this social site, I wanna tell you that its not an official trick or method of this social site, So we are not responsible any harm of or violation activity of Facebook because its not follow Facebook policies,  Please Share this article using below  SEND Button, and you can Bookmark this site using Control + D, Thanks for the visit and keep it. You can also visit our other blog on Top Best Android apps for get new information about apps. For more about amazing tricks keep visit our blog.

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Download Videos From YouTube Without Software

Youtube is the world's largest video sharing website. Youtube is the site where you can get all kind of videos. Youtube is a collection of music videos, movies, sports videos, documentries, tutorials, etc etc...You can find out in web that there are various method of downloading videos from youtube to your computer disk. I am going to tell you one of the easiest method for downloading youtube videos without any help of any kind of software. This trick will help you to download youtube videos easily without using any software.

Step 1) Go to Open the page of the video you want to download

Step 2) Add "ss" between the www. and the section of the URL and hit enter. 


Original YouTube URL:

Modified YouTube URL:

Step 3) This will redrect your browser to another site 

Step 4) Choose the format of the video. Click on the link of the format . 

Step 5) And your download will start in your downloader.

Enjoy the videos!!!!!