Thursday 2 July 2015

Find Unfriends Your Friends At Facebook

Lost some of the facebook friends and you don't know who unfriended you? Don't worry there is a browser add-on that can tell you which one of the facebook friend unfriended you. It is available for Chrome and Mozilla both. It shows a section called "Lost Friends" on your Facebook page and it also notifies you when someone unfriends you via pop-up messages. Add it to your Chrome or Mozilla browser and know who unfriended you! 

Steps To Add This Extension To Your Browser.

Step 1) First of all open your Chrome/Mozilla browser.

Step 2) If you are using chrome download the addon from Chrome Web Store. Download

Step 3) If you are using Mozilla Firefox then Click Here  and download the addon.

Step 4) After adding the extenstion to your browser go to your facebook profile and then go to friends section.

Step 5) Now you will see a list called " Lost Friends".

Step 6) Click on that and you will see the list of facebook friends who unfriended you.

Now you can see your unfriends list !!!!
Enjoy friends!!!!!

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